Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 5 - Homework

This Week:

Unhomework Choices:

Raz Kids - 30 min a day (15 English) FIll out reading log submit Friday

Practice Spelling Word Sort-Spelling test Next Wednesday 10/5
Initial Consonant Digraphs
1. shell
2. chat
3. that
4. what
5. phone
6. she
7. chin
8. thin
9. when
10. graph
11. three

High Frequency Words
12. done
13. hour
14. often
15. pull

Choose 4 spelling words a day and write a sentence with each one.

Choose a book and go for a noun hunt. Find as many nouns as you can and write them down. - Wednesday

Mrs. Bremer Homework:

Monday :
Math Lesson 2.1
Reading Book report
Study for Science Test, students will receive study guide on Friday 9/23 and Monday 9/26
Test Tuesday 9/27

Math Lesson 2.2
Reading: Book report

Math Lesson 2.3
Reading: Book report

Math Lesson 2.4
Reading : Book report

Quick note: Social Studies and Science will be define tomorrow

Thank you for your understanding

         1.  Khan Academy Online Math               1.  Raz-Kids Online Reading

Click here to find out exactly what we are studying this month!

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