Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 4 - Homework

This Week:
(Pending Teacher Entry)

Unhomework Choices:

Nothing will be submitted this week please practice the following skills at home

Raz Kids

Practice Spelling Word Sort-Spelling test Wednesday

Pick 5 objects at home and write down 2 adjectives that describe the objects.

Mrs. Bremer Homework:

Tuesday:pg. 32 A, 32 B
Wednesday: pg. 36A and 36B
Thursday: pg. 40 A and 40 B

Tuesday: draw the meaning of the words. Write a word and draw a picture representing the word. Use circles, squares and triangles
Wednesday: write one sentence with each word

Thursday: Study for your first Spelling test

         1.  Khan Academy Online Math               1.  Raz-Kids Online Reading

Click here to find out exactly what we are studying this month!

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