Sunday, May 28, 2017

Week 38: Homework

Hello Second Grade Parents!

We had a great time last week. Here is what we did:

Language Arts: We began our science reading unit looking at animals and their habitats.

Math:We are now working on graphing.  

Upcoming important dates:
6/5 - Second Grade Spelling Bee
6/8 - School Wide Pizza Party (No need to bring lunch) & Sports Day -Please have your student come in PE uniform
Reading/Language Arts
Monday 5/29
No School

Tuesday 5/30

No Reading Log
Practice Spelling Bee Words and read

Homework Sheet in math book

Wednesday 5/31
No Reading Log
Practice Spelling Bee Words and read

Homework Sheet in math book

Thursday 6/1

No Reading Log
Practice Spelling Bee Words and read

Homework Sheet in math book

Friday 6/2

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